Твой университет там, где ты
Высшее образование дистанционно


195027, ул. Якорная, 9а, литера А

АНО ВО "Северо-западный открытый технический университет" открыл Учебно-производственный комбинат (УПК СЗТУ).

На базе УПК СЗТУ наши студенты могут проходить производственную практику и работать в свободное от учебы время.

В настоящее время организованно сотрудничество с рядом судостроительных компаний, предприятиями нефтегазового сектора, строительными организациями.

Связаться с руководством УПК СЗТУ можно по электронной почте Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. или по телефону +7 812 6276481

Реквизиты УПК СЗТУ


Northwestern Open Technical University (government license No. 1906, issued by the Federal Service for Education and Science on January 26, 2016) provides on-the-job training for specialists in bachelor's degree programs in various fields such as welding, construction, information technology, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, metallurgy and transport.

The duration of training and retraining for foreign specialists at NWTU varies from 2 to 5.5 years, taking into account Preparatory courses of Russian Language.

All foreign students will complete internships (practical training, work and practies) in leading Russian companies such as the United Shipbuilding Corporation and Rosatom, Gazprom, metallurgical enterprises and major Сonstruction firms.

Educational and Production Complex NWTU LLC will conclude an employment contract with all foreign students (in their free time), in strict accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 13 of the Federal Law " Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation", dated July 25, 2002, No. 115-FZ.

We also assure that while student staying in Russia, we will assist him to find suitable accommodation, register and prolong the visa according to the Russian law, getting medical insurance and provide advice and information in various matters.
